About Us

We believe that at the roots of being a Baptist is being evangelical in the way we approach Scripture, live in response to it and under its authority. However, we also recognise that the term ‘evangelical’ has been given a broader definition and, as a result, sometimes needs clarification or the insertion of adjectives.
We believe that in the days we are living in there is a need for a strong, Bible-saturated witness. There are simultaneously great challenges and great opportunities ahead of us and facing those well and in a gracious, yet biblical manner is a vital task. We need to help one another to hold onto the truth found in God’s Word and continue to communicate it and live and lead in real, relevant and radical ways.
This website exists to help equip the Baptist church family to face the challenges and take hold of the opportunities from an orthodox evangelical perspective. Our desire is not to be separatist, but to act as a resource for evangelical renewal and refreshing, returning to our roots as Baptists- as ‘radical believers’.
As we do this, it is important to recognise that communication, exploration and application of the truth of God should always be carried out humbly and with the grace and love of God. We work towards doing this as part of the UK Baptist family.
This site is supported and provided with oversight by various UK Baptist Ministers, including: Alex Afriyie, Dr Louise Hearn, Gareth Owens, Nigel Coles, Vicky Thompson, Yinka Oyekan
Like within a local church, regional and national denominational context there will be some views expressed in articles on this website that we do not personally agree with or may have a different stance or interpretation of things.