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Mark Warner

From an acting family, Mark studied at London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art in 1968, and still maintains links with broadcast media. He went on to become a teacher and then trained at Spurgeon’s College, serving churches in the UK and France. His final employment was for an international Christian maritime organisation. On ‘retirement’ he benefitted from gaining an MA in Anabaptist Studies at Bristol Baptist College, which he feels has enhanced his continuing preaching and writing ministry. He and his wife, Ruth, hope to celebrate their golden wedding in 2025.

Unashamed of the Good News?

Evangelicals are those who are primarily defined by their association with the ‘Good News’ (Eu-angellion). The New Testament announcement of Good News can find scriptural precedent in, for instance, the words of Isaiah 52:7f where the message is essentially coupled… Read More »Unashamed of the Good News?